Workshop "Tell your Story for Women" (Gleichstellungsprogramm)

Zeit: 21.-22.  September 2021, 9:00 - 17:00

Ort: Haus 26, Raum 251A (1. Stock)

Dozentin: Francesca Carlin

Weitere Informationen: Dieser Workshop wird im Rahmen der Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen des SFB 854 angeboten und richtet sich an alle Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen des SFB 854. Der Workshop richtet sich insbesondere an PhD-Studentinnen, die die Verteidigung ihrer Doktorarbeit vorbereiten! Sprache des Workshops ist englisch. Anmeldung über .

Kursinhalte: Deliver your message and transform your audience
Audiences can sit for hours watching a play unfold. Why? Simply put, we humans love stories. Every time we speak in front of an audience, in essence, we are telling a story. However, especially in academia, creating a captivating presentation feels like a challenge. So, how do we make our stories heard? And how can we feel confident telling them? This workshop focuses on techniques that help women find and hone their message, create a compelling narrative, and effectively convey the story of their research and of themselves as individuals, as well as manage their inner and outer critics in order to present confidently and effectively. The skills that this workshop develops are essential for any academics wanting to captivate audiences with their defense presentations. Please click here for detailed information about the workshop contents.