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*Research highlight in Nature Reviews Neuroscience.
*Recommended reading Faculty of 1000.
Körmendy D, Hoff H, Hoff P, Bröker BM, Burmester GR, Brunner-Weinzierl MC. The impact of the CTLA-4/CD28 axis on the processes of Joint Inflammation in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2013 Jan;65(1):81-7.
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Philipsen L, Engels T, Schilling K, Gurbiel S, Fischer KD, Tedford K, Schraven B, Gunzer M, Reichardt P. Multi-molecular analysis of stable immunological synapses reveals sustained recruitment and sequential assembly of signaling clusters. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2013 Jun 10. [Epub ahead of print]
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Reichardt P*, Patzak I*, Jones K, Etemire E, Gunzer M*, Hogg N*. A role for LFA-1 in delaying T lymphocyte egress from lymph nodes. EMBO J. 2013 Mar 20;32(6):829-43. * contributed equally
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