Workshop "Networking Skills for Scientists" (Gleichstellungsprogramm)

Zeit: 12.  Juli 2021, 9:00 - 16:00

Ort: virtuelle Veranstaltung (Zoom)

Dozentin: Deborah Ruggieri

Weitere Informationen: Dieser Workshop wird im Rahmen der Gleichstellungsmaßnahmen des SFB 854 angeboten und richtet sich an alle Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen des SFB 854. Sprache des Workshops ist deutsch oder englisch, je nach Bedarf. Anmeldung über .

Kursinhalte: "The currency of real networking is not greed but generosity." - Keith Ferrazzi
Networking is the most underestimated and at the same time sometimes overrated issue in career development through the last decades. Highly motivated people already do have strong networks and they are frequently working with them, mostly subconsciously. Strategical networking means, being able to realise personal patterns of successful networking by oneself and using different instruments consciously in order to improve networking capabilities. Furthermore, strategical networking implies that you could combine networking issues with your goals. You need to realise what you are looking for. What is the reason and motivation for a more strategical guided networking? What makes you unique as a scientist? What are you going to give? How could a network benefit from your activities? The workshop about the power of strategical networking will address these issues with interactive methods and practical advice in order to foster the networking skills of the participants.


  • Networking definition/overview
  • different aspects of networking in science
  • communication skills/building relationships as a fundamental part of networking
  • working with networking maps
  • elevator pitch for scientists