
In addition to the arrangements of the CRC854, the Otto-von-Guericke-University offers a whole series of further funding of the OvGU for female scientists.

COMETiN Program - Coaching, Mentoring and Training in a Network
The COMETiN program focuses on women who actively want to shape their professional future and who aim at a professorship or another leading position in science or research. The programme supports the career development of young female scientists by offering them a variety of specialized training and coaching opportunities to enhance their academic key competences and to strategically prepare them for a career in academia and research. Term: April 2016 - October 2017.

MeCoSa 4.0 Mentoring & Coaching Programm, Koordinierungsstelle für Frauen-und Geschlechterforschung Sachsen-Anhalt
This project helps planning a personal career track and making the entry into professional life for early career scientists easier. Highly qualified young women are prepared for future leadership positions in research or industry.  Information only available in German, please contact us if you need help.

Women-in-Science Network
The Women-in-Science Network connects all of the programs supporting young female scientists on their career path.